Unfortunately the mosquito that bit me didn't look like this. The guy that bit me looked more like this:

Luckily, the malaria has come and gone. I was in the hospital about 4 days (took them a few days to figure out what to do with me... they don't see malaria too often. Ever, actually), then home in Jax. for a week, back to work for 2 days, then back to Jax. again because during the madness that was plasmodium falciparum, my Ma-Ma died. It was a rough April, let me tell you.
The tiredness and headaches lasted a couple weeks, but I was happy enough being able to talk and walk. I think I'm back to normal now, praise Jesus (please hold the "normal" jokes)!! One more blood test next week to check my liver enzymes and I'm in the clear!
So, it was a rough road, but I definitely know Jesus better than I did and love his sweet face even more, I met all kinds of amazing people, and was reminded (again!) that my friends and family are out of this world!!!!!!!! I really wish I could thank everyone individually, but there are so many of you that took such wonderful care of my body and my spirit that it is impossible. Also, I'm sure that you did things that I don't know about or remember, b/c I was so out of it. I do appreciate all the hilarious texts, e-mails, and Facebook comments about mosquitoes, though. ha. ha. ha...
Yep, right in the middle of all that red is where I was hanging out.

If you have $10 laying around, it would be cool to buy a mosquito net for someone. I had every creature comfort known to man while I was sick, and this was still the most painful thing I've ever witnessed, so I can't imagine dealing with malaria in a remote village somewhere. Go here: Nothing But Nets, UN Campaign
All that being said, if you have a choice, don't get malaria. It sucks more than you will ever know. And to answer the 2 questions I get every day:
-Was it worth it? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
-Would you go back? Heck yes!! With pocketfuls of drugs...
Moving on, and back to life, back to reality,
Ann :)
Glad you're doing better, friend. Also, I am glad you were not approached by the first mosquito in the mosquito's efforts to provide you with Malaria. That would have been so jarring it MIGHT have caused a heart attack. Also- what if that tried to land on your arm or your face? Awkward.