Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shot Day, Part 1

Well, today was day 1 of 2 that involved being shot up with various exotic diseases in preparation for my trip to Malawi. I went down to the Seminole County Health Department in Casselberry to get the cheap shots. Yeah, cheap entailed $153 for 2.

I dragged my sweet friend Theresa with me because I had no idea what to expect and was not at all prepared to undertake that on my own. She and I laughed the whole time, and the place was much nicer than I had pictured (I had visions of scenes from the 90s 'hood movie "Gangsta's Paradise." Do gangstas use proper grammar? Hmmm). Jessie had gone the night before, and requested that I tell the shot lady hi, as they had, of course, become friends. So I did tell her hello, and proceeded to make friends with the sweet woman giving me Yellow Fever and Typhoid.

What did I gain? A rather disturbing albeit reluctantly hilarious story about a doctor's visit (just for girls), and a Cotton Candy flavored Dum-Dum lollipop that is still awaiting me in my purse!

I also gained the knowledge that I am a mild hypochondriac. I went to work and started reading the information sheets on the 2 diseases and vaccines, and became convinced that I was having the mentioned side effects, including dizziness and fever which will last 5-10 days!!!! Really?! Anyway, I made my assistant Cari take my temperature, fully convinced I would need to leave work immediately. Turns out I was at 97.0. I was good to go after that. Except that I couldn't lift my left arm past a 45 degree angle. Who needs a left arm anyway? And telling the kids that I had had shots kept them from jumping on me. Bonus!

Joy, did I feel this crazy before we left for Kazakhstan?

Theresa is so good to me =)


  1. I remember we were both convinced we had typhoid. it's okay ann we're both dramatic!
    love, joy

  2. You are so cute! I love your blog :) The Casselberry clinic isn't so bad...the nurses there are so friendly. I can see how Jessie would leave with a new friend. I am proud of you for getting your shots today!! One step closer to beautiful Malawi!!

  3. Joy, I do not remember that at all! Are you making that up?? ;)
