New Year's Eve Eve. I spent it driving back from Jax., going crazy on the rides at Islands of Adventure with Jessie & my dad & co. (I highly recommend buying the ticket that gets you to the front of the lines), planning the festivities for tomorrow night (all I can tell you is that pajamas are required...), and eating dinner/watching a possum in Theresa's backyard with her and Ryan. All in all a pretty sweet day! However, I will never return to a theme park on a day anywhere near a major holiday. Remind me of this next year, should I lose my mind again, will you?!

And now, a gift from me to you.
Dave Barnes... watch this video, then go watch all his others. (And his music is actually phenomenal!)
Much love!
ok... seriously, thank you. this video truely is a gift. a blessing. i am pretty much going to forward it to everyone i know.